Well-known Islamic scholar, Sheikh Ahmad Gumi has expressed his opinion about how the victory of General Muhammadu Buhari in just-concluded presidential election will influence religious aspect in Nigeria.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of Naij.com.
Story Highlights:
The enormous responsibly attached to leadership.
Very close contest between GEJ and GMB
No doubt the nation is now sharply divided
GEJ has seen his miscalculation already
A division in the polity that can be a precursor to disintegration
2015 Elections
Insha Allah tomorrow I’ll give a talk immediately after the Jumuah prayers on our gratefulness to Allah.
It’s Time for more prayers
Congratulations are given when one relinquishes power safely and free of major misdeeds while prayers are for he that ascends to power. Such a person is never congratulated because of the enormous responsibly attached to leadership. The Power that comes effortless without sweat, God promised to intervene. Power came to GEJ without plan therefore God came to intervene of relieving him of the burden despite his inequities. He’s an international hero now.
The anticipated calamity of the very close contest between GEJ and GMB was only averted by Allah. Therefore All praises and thanks goes to the almighty God alone.
No doubt the nation is now sharply divided as a result of this
division which is still an insidious time bomb. It has happened in Egypt between the Muslim brotherhood and the secularists movements despite being a homogeneous society. It took a year to explode. So also is in Libya, Yemen and the other “change’ societies. When a sudden ‘change’ leads to sharp division in polity, the natural reaction would be a counter reaction and ‘sabotage’.
For Nigerians, it’s truly unfortunate that so far the Nigerian economy is based mainly in the region that doesn’t favor the ‘change’. This is the miscalculation that is feared to likely surface again in the near future. We need more prayers.
As for GEJ, he has seen his miscalculation already. Had he accepted not to present himself in the first place as adviced, he would have saved his party PDP turning into a regional party after being a national one. So also APC is still just a multiregional party short of a national one in every corner of the country.
In the future, considering our peculiar nature, if the nation survives at all, parties should field the candidates from the same region just to avoid this kind of dangerous regional division.
So far there is a serious division in the polity that can be a precursor to disintegration. So it’s then too early for congratulations but continuation of fervent prayers.
We only thank Allah He alone for averting the unnecessary anticipated post-election blood shed of Nigerians. In a nation of about 70m eligible voters, with a meager 2.5m votes difference, the danger can be visualized. These hundred overzealous youth that killed themselves celebrating GMB’s victory would have attacked and killed thousands innocent people should perchance GEJ also won.
We therefore pray for all to embrace one another and form a broad based government of national unity from all parties and regions equally represented.
God we are grateful! May You guide our leaders aright. Amin
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