Thursday, 19 November 2015

Good ideals!!! Scientists Discover Why It Is Necessary For Our Brains To Forget What We Learn

Image result for image of human brain

Ever wonder why you forget things and remember others? What if I told you that just as your brain has certain signals for how to remember things, it also has certain signals to tell it what to forge? This information, coming from Lund University in Sweden has been supported by some compelling research. There are several reasons why your brain may forget information but it boils down to a simple concept — when you brain has one stimulus it tends to remember the information a$$ociated with this stimulus. In cases with multiple stimuli, you may forget because your brain does not know what to “a$$ign” the a$$ociation to. This information can change the way you learn and update the way teachers educate their students.

                             Examples of Mechanisms to Help Learn

After looking at the research conducted from Lund University, I realized it began a little bit like Pavlov’s study where he conditioned his dogs to salivate at the anticipation of food. At Lund University, they wanted to see if animals could learn to a$$ociate a certain tone or light pattern to a puff of air blown into their eye. The air buff in their eye causes the reaction of a blink. Therefore, eventually the tone or the light would make the animal or human blink before the puff had even been triggered. They found much like Pavlov’s dogs, this did work. When either the light or the tone was played the conditioning took affect and the subjects blinked as expected.

                                                            The Twist

The scientists then did something a little different with the study. Instead of having one stimulus, they decided to have a tone and the light signal at the same time. Some would think that this would reinforce the conditioning now that there were two things “warning” of the impending air puff. The result was somewhat surprising. Amazingly, the subjects were less likely to react to the two stimuli put together. The results got worse instead of better when there were two “warnings” given to the subjects. As explained by one of the Swedish brain researchers: “Two stimuli therefore achieve worse results than just one. It seems contrary to common sense, but we believe that the reason for it is that the brain wants to save energy.” - See more at:

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